

Winnipeg Landscape Architecture Firm
Winnipeg Architecture Firms
River Heights Winnipeg Architecture
Architecture Firm Winnipeg
Architecture Firm Tortonto
Landscape Architecture Firms Winnipeg
Landscape Architecture Firms Toronto
Manitoba Association of Landscape Architects
Manitoba Association of Architects
Ontario Association of Landscape Architects
Ontario Association of Architects
Urban Design Firm Winnipeg
Urban Design Firm Toronto
Queenstown School Gymnasium
Public City Architecture
Winnipeg Architecture
Winnipeg Landscape Architecture Firms
Urban Design Winnipeg
River Heights Community
Winnipeg School Division
Sheila Sweatman Gymnasium Addition
School Architecture Winnipeg
Winnipeg School Division Architecture

Winnipeg, Manitoba

The Sheilah Sweatman Gymnasium addition is a joint effort by Queenston Elementary School and River Heights communities to provide physical education and recreation space. Situated to the north of the existing school, the addition pulls away from the existing building to provide recessed entries and exterior courts on both sides. The program includes a 4,800 sf gymnasium, change rooms, kitchenette, offices, as well as a public foyer. An elevator/stair link was designed to ensure that all levels of the existing 3-storey 1931 school are universally accessible and connected to the new addition.

PUBLIC CITY (then Peter Sampson Architecture Studio) was actively involved in raising private funds for the accessibility elevator and gymnasium addition, and served as Prime Consultant, Architectural Designer, and LEED consultant. Peter Sampson led as Project Architect in all phases, including a front-heavy IDP consultation process to negotiate the challenges of site, neighbourhood, and project requirements. Andrew Lewthwaite served as Project Manager during design and construction phases, supervising the production and coordination of all consultants and drawings, as well as Contract Administration services during the construction phase.